So for chistmas we went caroling on St. Nicks day. This requires glühwein, so we made 20 liters of the stuff. Cheap wine, oranges, lemons, sugar, cinnamon, cloves and various dried fruits. Here’s a pic of the process:
To give it that extra kick, throw in a bottle of amaretto.
And so we went, a team of 7 Santas, a Schmützli (don’t have these in US. He is Santa’s assisstant...helps with the donkey) and a wheelbarrow full of cheer.
This is still unusal here, Just like home!:

This poor guy was sleeping. We sang to him and we were presented with Jagermeister shots. Actually everywhere we went we were given shots of something. bad. news.

Roo made a cameo appearance at one house. Maybe next year she can be the donkey.

At one house they were waiting for us, and they had a small party, beers, and a grill out!

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