Sunday, June 13, 2010

Schwingerfest - Lobsigen June 13, 2010

A group of friends invited us to go with them to a very Swiss sporting event called Schwingerfest. Ok all of you get your mind out of the gutter because it is not what you think!! The Swiss sport of Schwingen is pretty much wrestling. Here is a link to wikipedia to explain in more detail.

We rode are bikes to the town of Lobsigen (about 30 minutes away) where the festival was being held. I got some nice pictures of the views on the way there.
I saw this huge nest and birds on top of this house on the way and was told they were storks. They must be taking a break from delivering babies. Side note: we have seen several more storks and stork nests since this day in different towns here in Switzerland, I guess all babies come from Switzerland.
So if you did not read the wiki article here is a brief explanation to the Schwingen sport. The guys wear a pair of Schwinghosen or wrestling breeches and try to wrestle their opponent to the ground and pin their shoulders to win the round.

So the winner of the Schwingerfest was the big guy in the lighter color shirt. We were told that this is not the first one he has won.
Here are a few of the prizes:
Aren't the little ones cute.

Here are the rest if you want to check them out:

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